Viva Italia: Some Peeps
- At October 07, 2013
- By Jay
- In People, Travel, Urban & Street
I’m going to continue to milk this Italian cow in an effort to update my blog. Still dealing with the volume of photos from our long-past vacation. Still dealing with lack of motivation time to do so. But I wanted to share some of my favorite people shots from Italy as we made our way through Venice, Florence, Tuscany, the Amalfi Coast, and Rome. Caveat is that there is a distinction between photos of people representing Italy vs. photos of people that happened to be shot while in Italy. Seeing as how I’m not on assignment for Nat Geo or Conde Naste I get to be judge and jury here, but I would hesitate to call many of these “travel” photos per se.
The Vatican
- At September 08, 2013
- By Jay
- In Architecture, Black & White, Travel
Summer has come and gone, as has vacation time. Our trip to Italy is now well behind us, and I’m no further along in transposing my shots into a photo book. Likewise Blog Negligence has set upon me with too little content. Both due in large part to the unfortunate confluence of an out-of-date computer and larger image files; the whole process of reviewing and developing photos is now such a chore punctuated by waiting-for-things-to-happen that I no longer enjoy it. But I digress. Figured it was time do something at least with the blog. And as it’s Sunday I figured The Vactican would be as good a choice as any.
Read More»Kelowna Again
- At August 28, 2013
- By Jay
- In Travel
From one wine country to the next.
This is actually my first trip since returning from Italy last month. And incredibly just over 2-months since we left for that amazing country. Long since back to The Grind. But Kelowna makes it a bit easier. Such a great place, although little time to enjoy it with this trip. Fortunately a nice view out of my hotel window helps.
Italy Precursor: Rome Fave
- At July 20, 2013
- By Jay
- In Architecture, Travel
For the record, I dislike Rome.
In our time there I found it overly crowded, noisy, hot, loaded with people hawking cheap crap, traffic constantly roaring and threatening to mow you down, impossible to navigate ancient streets. I could go on.
Read More»Italy Precursor: Positano Fave
- At July 17, 2013
- By Jay
- In Color, Landscape, Long Exposure, Travel
Here’s a good idea. Take a really steep cliff along the water. And build houses and so forth all the way up.
Such is Positano, Italy. City motto: what goes down, must come up. Impossibly vertical to support the infrastructure of a city it still stands and is beautiful once you get used to the constant elevations. Really quite a bizarre experience. Actually the whole Amalfi Coast is quite an odd and exotic area. But I digress.
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