Cool Blue
- At July 09, 2012
- By Jay
- In Landscape, Long Exposure
Three days in to the annual lake sojourn and I was finally compelled to grab the rig and shoot. I’m disappointed that I am currently unable to think of something original so at best this is a variation on past themes.
Had a friend’s son in tow as he’s getting into photography. Above all else was a lesson in patience as this was a 4-minute exposure which came as a surprise to him.
Read More»Travelog I: Seattle
- At July 02, 2012
- By Jay
- In Architecture, Travel, Urban & Street
Airport and iPhone
- At June 02, 2012
- By Jay
- In iPhone, Travel
Never ceases to amaze me how convenient it is to have a camera in my phone. And wireless access to post stuff from the seat of my plane.

Big Cone
- At May 30, 2012
- By Jay
- In iPhone
Don’t always need to be shooting for fine art or photojournalism. Can be fun, too!
iPhone + Hipstamatik.
It’s Just a Handrail
- At May 15, 2012
- By Jay
- In Abstract, iPhone
Having a camera in a phone really is a great thing. Walking into the office this morning and notice the line and texture created by hard morning light. Normal people see a handrail and a step. Or nothing at all.
I see a need to stop and shoot with my iPhone in one hand and my Starbucks in another. It’s a sickness, really.
Converted to black and white with Nik Software’s amazing Snapseed app.